Created in 1934, University of São Paulo (USP) is a public university, maintained by the State of São Paulo and linked to the Secretariat of Science, Technology and Innovation. The talent and dedication of teachers, students and staff have been recognized by different world rankings, created to measure the quality of universities based on different criteria, mainly those related to scientific productivity.

This performance, generated over more than eight decades of an intense search for excellence, allows USP to join a select group of world-class institutions. Its degree consists of 183 courses, dedicated to all areas of knowledge, distributed in 42 teaching and research units, with more than 58 thousand students. Postgraduate studies are made up of 239 programs, with around 30,000 enrolled. Currently, USP is responsible for more than 20% of Brazilian scientific production.

To develop its activities, USP has several campuses, spread across the cities of São Paulo, Bauru, Lorena, Piracicaba, Pirassununga, Ribeirão Preto, Santos, São Carlos, as well as teaching units, museums and research centers located outside these spaces. and in different municipalities.

The Fungal Bioluminescence Laboratory (LBF), at the Chemistry Institute – USP and led by Prof. Stevani studies, in addition to various bioluminescent systems, environmental metagenomics and biotechnological use of microorganisms.


Prof. Cassius V. Stevani, PhD


Prof. Renato Sanches Freire, PhD


Prof. Elen Aquino Perpetuo, PhD


Dielle P. Procópio, PhD


Pedro Miragaia
