HELVA coordinator recipient of the National Young Research Award ‘Felisa Martin Bravo’
HELVA project coordinator Prof. F. Pelayo García de Arquer, leader of the CO2 Mitigation Accelerated by Photons research group at ICFO, received the ‘Felisa Martín Bravo‘ National Research Prize for Young researchers. In particular, he received the prize in the area of Physics, Materials and Earth Sciences, specifically for his pioneering and interdisciplinary contributions to the fields with relevant applications in the generation of clean energy and the development of optoelectronic elements
Furthermore, the 2023 National Research Awards and the 2023 National Research Awards for Young Researchers, were awarded across ten wide categories. Moreover, in a ceremony that took place at the Ducal Palace in Gandía, Valencia, the King and Queen of Spain presided over the presentation of the 2023 National Research Awards. Ultimately, these awards are the most important recognition in Spain in the field of scientific research, thus highlighting the talent of the individuals who receive them.

Prof. F. Pelayo García de Arquer receiving the Felisa Martín Bravo prize from Queen Letizia.
King Felipe and Queen Letizia were accompanied in the ceremony by the President of the Valencian Generalitat, Carlos Mazón; the Minister of Science, Innovation, and Universities, Diana Morant; and the Mayor of Gandía, José Manuel Prieto, among other authorities and members of the jury.
Watch here the award ceremony: